Monday, May 18, 2015

Persepolis 2 Blog 2 "Looking at the Person"

Now that I have finished Persepolis, I want to know just what kind of person that Marjane Satrapi is. I believe that I have the information necessary to figure that out, but at best I can derive from anecdotes and interviews. As a note, nothing is certain until one actually meets someone in person. 

Despite what some believe, I do not think she is an instinctive person. Given the opportunity, not once but twice she speaks out against the Islamic Regime at a school setting. Perhaps from her being raised up with people like her uncle who was executed for wanting freedom and a family who generally were overjoyed with the rebellion against the Shah, she greatly valued liberties. It would make sense that she would act with every chance she got to attempt to fight something that restricted her so much. On the other hand, Satrapi also failed to defend herself several times while in Austria. She would occasionally explode, such as when she overheard the girls talking about her at a cafe, but most of the time, was self-blaming and passive. She is a short-tempered person who likely battles clinical depression of some sort.

If anything, this short temper and clinical depression would make sense considering her inclination to being an artist. There have been several studies linking depression and mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder to bursts of inspiration and a person's level of creativity.** This is because of an exposition to a greater range of emotion. She says that she chose to use writing and visual art to express herself for Persepolis.
"Well, for me, who is someone who cannot choose between writing and drawing, [a graphic novel] was the best way of expressing myself" -Marjane Satrapi*
She is a passionate person who puts in a great amount of effort to her work because she believes that that is the mark of a truly creative person.
*Source: (Interview with Satrapi)
**Source: (Article about creativity and how it functions)

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