Thursday, February 12, 2015

Les Blogs Interestants

I took a look at several blogs in an attempt at finding good examples for this first assignment. It took me several just to find two. When understanding web design and the basics that allow for the ease of user browsing are critical for a blog competing on the internet for an audience, it's a shame as many of the blogs I examined actually contained good content. That's slightly disheartening, but I digress.

The first interesting blog I observed was the famous and eccentric Hyperbole and a Half. At first glance, the blog gives the viewer a strong first impression, colored by how one would take in a barrage of vibrant colors and artistry born from the best that Microsoft Paint can offer. The blog's homepage sports a heading which displays several creations of the author's many years of writings, some of which, like the "Alot," that have become popular icons outside of the blog. The author's personality is fully present in every page, including the "About" pages, which are humorously enough, highly uninformative and primarily filled with random content. Considering the aim of the blog being to provide entertainment, it does its job. Though it is very much niche humor, it fills the niche well.

Structure-wise, the page is well organized. A set of tabs below the heading and several thumbnails for posts along the right side of the screen allow for the ease of browsing. The lack of information about what the blog actually is can be neglected as the blog's style serves to get that across on its own; no need for words. It is aesthetically... pleasing, while still remaining functional. All-in-all, the blog stands out and is pretty pretty darn sweet.

The second blog I took interest in was The Last Psychiatrist, a blog made by a practicing psychiatrist. Much like Hyperbole and a Half, the layout is easy to understand and use. Unlike Hyperbole and a Half, it takes a more minimalist approach, while still maintaining a level of humor. From the homepage, all recent articles are listed with only a single title, thumbnail, and joking comment. To even begin reading a portion of an article, one must first click on the title. This significantly reduces the clutter on the page so present in many another blog. I don't know about anyone else, but going to a webpage only to be assaulted by a wall of text is one of the biggest ways to put me off exploring said webpage further.

One of the blog's greatest strengths lies in the writing itself. The author of the blog provides an interesting, witty commentary that I personally find appealing. He has a very quirky sense of humor, but can get serious points across even while making tiny jabs at his subject. In short, the blogger has a strong writing style and has designed his blog in such a way that is friendly to the average new visitor.

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