For decades humanity has asked a simple question: what attracts an audience? Be it for a book, a television show, or, most importantly a blog? *wink wink nudge nudge* So I intend do give my 25 cents on this matter. Why 25 cents? Because 2 cents is worthless.
Now, a good blog should, first and foremost, try to understand the audience it is attempting to reach. The audience takes into consideration the type of blog and the content one aims to post, as well as the "personality" one wishes to impose upon the blog. The audience of a blog for puppies, as a simple example, would be mostly dog-lovers. A comedy blog would obtain an audience of people who enjoy your brand of humor, and so on. The personality of a blog comes from the visual presentation and the blogger's voice. Unless one intends on making a completely objective and bland blog (which has an audience, don't get me wrong. Just a really small audience), your writing style and how you represent yourself reflects the personality of the blog.
If you're a writer and understand the mechanics of the english language, you're almost set. But the big thing will still need to be solved else you fail to garner much of an audience to begin with; and that big thing is blog layout. When a newcomer first visits your blog, what they see on your homepage will determine whether or not they decide to stay and investigate your site. If your blog assaults the reader with a wall of text and bland visuals, you have doomed your blog. Make sure that your choice of color is easy on the eyes (don't put yellow text on neon green pleeeaaase). A lot of things need to be considered for the whole of a website's layout.
There are plenty of things I probably am not even thinking about at the moment. The eternal struggle to understand the nature of theconsumer audience is a confusing one. Take my advice though, I promise what I've said is good.
There are plenty of things I probably am not even thinking about at the moment. The eternal struggle to understand the nature of the